The Olive Brothers journey began many years ago driven by a passion for ‘all things olive’. Two brothers set out on a journey to explore Turkey, Izmir - one of the oldest cities in the Mediterranean region that has been significant in olive oil production over the last 5,000 years – in search of the most unique and flavourful olives known to the world.
What drove the two brothers to Turkey lies in the history and exploration of Turkey, where evidence of the first olive oil exports, trading and olive storage from 3000-2000 BC were found. The region is home to the ruins of the ancient Ionian city – known as the olive oil city of the 6th century and has a history of olive oil production that is as old as civilization itself.
Through their journey and discoveries, the two brothers fortuitously came into contact, and instantly developed a family like bond, with an olive farmer whose family history of farming olives in Izmir dates back to over 5,000 years, and is rumoured to have some of the oldest trees in the region, producing some of the most unique tasting olives exclusively cultivated in Turkey.
The olive oil manufacturing goes through a complex and laborious process, where it is hand-picked and crushed in olive stone mills with no additives or preservatives. The traditional method of production ensures that the olive oil maintains the highly sought-after natural taste and health benefits.
It is with much effort, pride and joy that Olive Brothers exclusively presents to Australia a unique gem from the Aegean Sea, full of health benefits and exquisite taste!
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